Saint and Mummy’s Adventures in Northern Utah

Hello, Everyone! Saint, here. Boy, have Mummy and I been having some wonderful times these last few days. So I had just had to share a bit with you.

On Wednesday, June 19, we left Cedar City. It was kind of hard to go and leave all those wonderful memories. But Mummy reminds me that we always carry memories in our hearts.

We were heading up to northern Utah. But on the way, we stopped off in West Jordan, a suburb of Salt Lake City. There we spoke with the West Jordan Rotary Club. What a wonderful group pf people. They made us very welcome. We talked about BEYOND LIMITS and our philosophy of building community and defying the notion of “can’t.” One of the Rotary members works in a doggie bakery. So she brought me some special treats, including a “pup cake.” Boy, dogs in Utah have some really neat things.


The West Jordan Rotary is where we met up with our friend Pete Cardon.

After the Rotary meeting, Pete took us over to the Field of Dreams. This is a fully accessible ball field that the West Jordan Rotary built with know-how, perseverance and lots of guts and determination. The greater Salt Lake City area probably has more than 1 million people in it. So there are lots of little ones who can benefit from a field in which they can play ball and be like anyone else. That meant a lot to Mummy and me


Then we headed up to Logan, Utah, our destination for the next few days. There were lots of highways and lots of road construction along the way. It was very warm and Miracle was really hot from having been shut up while we were visiting in West Jordan. Mummy props her phone, with the GPS, across the dial indicators on her dashboard. The glass must have been really hot. Suddenly, Mummy’s phone, Vicky, flashed a terrible message: iPhone too hot—shutting down. We didn’t know where to go. So we pulled off the highway and blasted the air conditioning. Then Mummy held Vicky in her lap for a while. After that, Vicky felt better.

We continued and found the Quality Inn in Logan, our base for a few days. The hotel is a little old, but the staff are super nice. We needed to get a good rest, because we had wonderful adventures planned for the next day.

The next day our friend, Pete, came up to Logan to show us around. Pete used to live in Logan, so he was a wonderful tour guide. Mummy really wanted to see Utah State University. That’s where her daddy went to school. Going to the school made her feel very close to him. So of course, I loved that, too. We rolled around the old quad where there were building that Grandpa would have gone into. One of my favorites was Old Main.


When we were done at USU, we headed up Logan Canyon for the scenic drive. That was spectacular. The best part came at the top when we saw Bear Lake. Bear Lake is amazing. Pete says that it is probably his favorite lake in the world. It changes color, depending on the weather: sunny, cloudy, stormy. It can be blue, green, aquamarine. As we approached and first saw it, it was aquamarine. While we there, it changed color a bit.


Then we drove down to the lake to LeBeau’s, a Logan/Bear Lake institution. There Pete got one of their famous raspberry milkshakes.


It started to rain, so we were off for the lovely drive back to town and to have a late lunch/early dinner. Pete treated Mummy at the Beehive restaurant. Mummy had a wonderful veggie stir fry. We haven’t been eating out on our trip—not much fun with just us—so I was glad to see Mummy have a good meal with a good friend.


Afterwards, we had to say goodbye to Pete. He had to get back to work. But we will see him this fall at a conference. And we have invited him to Maine to come hike with us. We would love that—I so love camping and sleeping in our tent.

We have a little more time in Utah and more adventures planned. I’ll try to blog again, soon.

Until then, hugs and wags.


Mummy and My Adventures Around Cedar City

Hello, Everyone. Saint here! Mummy reminded me that it was time to check back in with you all.

We have been seeing so many wonderful things. I would have to write books to tell you everything. But I will try to give you a few highlights, at least.

We came to Cedar City, Utah, on Saturday, from Wyoming. We drove through mountains, so the road was really curvy. I sure am glad that Mummy is such a good driver.

We got to the hotel and got settled. We wanted to get some rest for our big day on Sunday.

On Sunday, we went to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. It is much less traveled than the South Rim. Mummy said that she has always preferred that side. It is several thousand feet higher than the South Rim. So it is not open in the winter. We got some amazing views. We even drove around Cape Royal and Point Imperial.


On Monday, we took Miracle in for a spa treatment. We have put lots and lots of miles on her and she needed some TLC.

Then we called the sexton and met him at the cemetery. Mummy had wanted to see her daddy’s grave—my grampa—for so many years. I never met him but there was such a feeling of peace there. I lay right down by his grave. Mummy gave me a big hug. She said that Grampa would have been crazy about me.


Tuesday was our last full day with Cedar City as a base. We wanted to really explore. We took Utah State Route 12, a Scenic Byway designated an All-American Road. We went by Bryce Canyon National Park, Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument and Capital Reef National Park.


And on our way back to Cedar City, we went by the boyhood home of Butch Cassidy. Can you believe it!


Tomorrow we head north. I’ll try to update you all, soon.

In the meantime, hugs and wags.


Mummy and My Adventures in Wyoming

Hello, everyone. Saint here! I’m sorry that it’s been so long since I last wrote. Mummy and I have been having so many adventures that it’s been tough to find time to blog.

Mummy figured that the best way to see the big four western states of our journey would be to have a base camp in two different parts of each state. Then we could travel out from the base and return at the end of the day.

In Wyoming, we planned to stay in Casper and Pinedale. But despite calling the actual hotel, explaining our situation, holding the room with a credit card and getting a confirmation, someone else got the room in Casper.

So we went to Cheyenne, instead, and that worked out fine.

From Cheyenne we went to Sundance one day. That’s where the Sundance Kid got his name—when he was in jail for horse stealing. Another day we went to Gillette.

Wyoming has lots of fuel industry—oil and gas. We saw lots of activity.

And we saw lots and lots of animals. There are so many cattle. Mummy saw her beloved sheep. We saw buffalo. The antelope were so cute. And we saw something called a “prairie dog.” I don’t know why they call it a dog, though. It doesn’t look like any dog I’ve ever seen.

A lot of Wyoming is very dry. But they still manage to have rest areas. One of them was so neat. It had a skylight for lighting and a composting toilet.

We went to Casper and saw the National Historic Trails Interpretive Center. It talked about the famous trails that went west from Casper: the California Gold Rush Trail; the Oregon Trail; the Mormon Trail. It took people months and months to make it. They faced such hardship. It made me extra grateful for Miracle.


After several days in Cheyenne, we drove across the state to Pinedale. Pinedale is at the foot of the Wind River Range of the Rocky Mountains. Mummy really loves mountains so of course, I do, too. It is a big jumping off point for outfitting.

While we used this as a base, we traveled up to the Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks. They are so incredibly beautiful. There were lots and lots of people there. And you know what? Parts of Yellowstone were closed off because Vice President Mike Pence was also visiting that day. I wonder if he was looking for us?

Despite everything, we did manage to see Old Faithful. People were pretty excited about that. I just enjoyed the time to lie in the sun.


I think that Mummy and I liked Grand Teton National Park best. We even saw a herd of buffalo!


On our last full day in Pinedale, we did a couple of neat things. We took a drive on Skyline Drive up to the Jim Bridger-Grand Teton National Forest. At the top, we were at almost 10,000 feet and could see Fremont and Half Moon lakes.


Then we went to the Museum of the Mountain Man. The mountain men are so famous. Most of us know something about them. They trapped beaver for high fashion clothes. But within 20 years, they had run out of beaver.


I’ll try to write more again, soon. Thanks for following us.

Hugs and wags.


Mummy and My Adventures in Denver

Hello Everyone. Saint here! I’m sorry that I’ve been out of touch for a little while. Mummy and I have just been so busy with adventures. But I didn’t want you to worry, so I thought that I would catch you up a little on our time in Denver.

We went to Denver so that we could attend the GlobalMindED annual conference. The conference focuses on helping First Generation and At-Risk students. Mummy learned a lot and got very inspired. I learned, too. But, just between us, I also did take some naps during the presentations.

I was quite a hit at the conference. And you know what? There was another service dog there, too: he had a visually impaired mom. Mummy was the only one who had a beautiful wheelchair, though.

Mummy and I are not really city folks, but as far as cities go, we liked Denver. We made sure to drive into the city in the early afternoon to avoid rush hour. (Why do they call it “Rush Hour”? No one rushes then, that’s for sure.). We found the hotel pretty well, but finding the parking was a challenge. We got that, though.

The people at the Sheraton were so nice. We did find that our accessible room had some major issues, though. The bathroom did not work well for Mummy and most of the things in the room that she wanted to control—thermostat, draperies, clothes rod—were out of reach. There weren’t any automatic door openers on the outside doors, either. Mummy talked with the management to explain the issues. We hope that when they remodel the hotel in the fall that they will fix the problems.

While we were in Denver, Mummy called our next planned stop, the Super 8 in Casper, Wyoming. She was disappointed to learn that even though she had made the reservation for a wheelchair accessible room, gotten a confirmation and held it with a credit card, they had given our room to someone else. I could tell that Mummy was worried. She wondered where we would find a place to stay at such a late date. Wyoming isn’t a very populous state, so our options were limited. After a lot of calling around, Mummy found us a room at the Holiday Inn Express in Cheyenne.

We found a nice park—the Civic Center Park—a few blocks from the Sheraton. So Mummy and I would walk there every morning and evening. It had gardens, statues, fountains.

While we were in Denver, we had the chance to reconnect with some folks from Mummy’s past.

On Thursday evening, we visited with one of Mummy’s former students from the University of North Dakota, Michael Tanner. Mummy hadn’t seen Tanner in 12 years. He teaches kindergarten near where we were staying. It was wonderful for Mummy to have the chance to catch up with him. He and I got along great, too.

Michael Tanner, Saint and Mummy in the Lobby at the Sheraton in Denver--6.6.2019

Then on Saturday, before we left for Cheyenne, we had a chance to visit with Mark Yaeger, a friend from Maine. We became friends with Mark when we were first going to start hiking. We hadn’t seen Mark in a couple of years, so it was wonderful to fill in the blanks. And he even cleaned our windshield for us (we had every bug from Maine to Denver stuck on Miracle).


We don’t have many more visits lined up. But maybe we’ll make some new friends. And I know that we’ll have lots more adventures to share.

I’ll try to blog again soon. Until next time, hugs and wags.


Some Adventures Getting to Denver

Hello, Everyone. Saint, here! Mummy and I have been having so many adventures. I will have to write for a very long time to document everything. But for now, we just wanted to share a few.

It’s such a privilege to be able to drive across the United States. You can’t really grasp what a big country this is if you fly. We’ve driven through some big cities—Chicago, Omaha. We’ve seen all kinds of farm and range land.

Mummy’s ancestors walked partway across the country to Utah. We learned that Iowa City, Iowa, was a prime location for the Mormons to get their pushcarts and continue their journey to Utah on foot. That was very moving.


We also had a huge treat in Iowa City. One of Mummy’s former students, Jackie DeMolee, works in the registrar’s office at the University of Iowa. So we were able to stop and visit with her for a few hours. Mummy hadn’t seen her in more than a decade and I had never met her. But we took to each other right away. I can’t wait to see her again.

Saint Gives Jackie DeMolee a Kiss, Iowa City, Iowa--6.4.2019

When we got to Lincoln, NE, we learned that even though we had a reservation at the Red Roof Inn and had held it with a credit card, they had put someone else in our room. It was the end of a long, hot day and we really just wanted to rest. The lady at the desk was nice and called around and got us into another motel.

Mummy was a little nervous about driving into downtown Denver. The traffic is pretty different from northern Maine. But we made sure to get here before rush hour and really didn’t have much trouble. After we checked in, we found a nice park nearby so that I can walk and do my thing.

Saint and a Lion in Civic Center Park, Denver--6.6.2019

Mummy’s looking forward to learning lots at this conference. I figure that I will get a chance to catch up on my sleep. I try to pay attention, but all that talking makes me so sleepy.

I’ll try to write again soon to keep you all posted. In the meantime, hugs and wags.


Pumping Gas

Hello Everyone! Saint, here.

Tonight Mummy and I are in Morris, IL. That’s a little beyond Chicago.

Today we drove across Ohio and Indiana. It was beautiful farm country. There were lots and lots of trucks on the road and much road construction, so we pretty much just chugged along and didn’t get many photos.

In Indiana, we stopped at a rest area named for Ernie Pyle, a famous war correspondent during World War II who reported on the infantry and was killed during the battle of Okinawa.

Driving through the outskirts of Chicago was pretty exciting. I have never seen so much traffic. I don’t know if Mummy was nervous. I wasn’t nervous, though. I trust Mummy to get through anything.

One of the big achievements for us so far is that Mummy has been able to pump our own gas. Now, most people probably don’t really like to pump their gas, but for them it’s not a big deal. But for people in wheelchairs, it can be a very big deal. Gas pumps usually have a concrete curb around them to protect from being hit by a runaway car. These curbs used to be too wide for Mummy to get close enough to reach the pump. So when we travel, Mummy has always had to go into the gas station store and get someone from inside to pump for us. Most of the time people are pretty nice. Sometimes they are not. They seem to think that Mummy is annoying. And if there is only one person working in the store, we sometimes have to wait a long time.

So before we left for this trip, Mummy worked really hard to try to strengthen her arms enough to lift the pump. And so far, she’s done it! Also, the newer pumps now have a cutout that’s perfect for a wheelchair to get closer. Mummy says that this makes us a little freer.

Who knows what adventures lie ahead? I’ll try to keep you all posted.

Wags and hugs.


On our Way!

Hello, everyone. Saint, here! Mummy and I are on our way.

We got started yesterday, Saturday, June 1. It was all familiar territory. We headed down and stayed in Enfield, CT, for the night. It was really wonderful because Aunt Sharon came all the way from Massachusetts to see us and took us dinner. We had a wonderful visit.

Today we went back up into Massachusetts and then all the way across New York State. That was awesome. We went by some major cities that we have always heard about: Albany, Syracuse, Rochester, Buffalo. We went by Ithaca, the home of Cornell. The country was unbelievably lovely: rolling hills of farmland. There were dairy farms, apple orchards and lots and lots of vineyards. We covered a lot of miles, so did not take many photos.

Tonight we are in Erie, PA. That’s Erie, as in the lake and the canal. Today we were driving along the historic Erie Canal Heritage Corridor. As you can tell, we’re having a great time.

We thought that everyone would get a kick out of the Presque Isle photo. I guess that it just shows that no matter how far you go, you can’t really leave home behind.

Mummy and I will try to keep you all up to date on how we are doing.

Until next time, wags and kisses.


Ready for a New Adventure

Hello everyone. Saint here. I know that it’s been a long time since we reached out to you. I’m very sorry about that: I can’t really type and Mummy’s been so busy with school that I hate to ask her to type for me. But now that we’re getting ready for our next great adventure, Mummy said that she would just have to take time so that our friends and loved ones can follow along.

We’re getting ready for a very long trip. Mummy calls it “BEYOND LIMITS: Back to the Roots Journey.” She explained that it got its name because we are going to travel west to where Mummy’s daddy and all of his family was from.

We’re going to a conference in Denver. Then we’ll continue on to Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, Oregon and Montana. Mummy wants to pay it forward and pay it backward. She wants to thank the land and its people for helping make her who she is. She wants to spread the BEYOND LIMITS core that Challenge is an Opportunity and that together, there is nothing that we cannot do.

We are sure to have so many amazing experiences.

We also want to advocate for social justice and equity. Mummy says that everyone has the right to travel and gain lodging. Yet this is really hard for so many people—particularly those with physical challenges. So we plan to really push and see what is possible right now—and what needs to become possible.

Mummy says that we need to do this because we are so lucky. We need to advocate for those who cannot.

And we’re sure to have lots and lots of adventures.

I am sharing a few photos with you from our getting ready.

Mummy’s primary care giver, Mary Coffin, is retiring. So Mummy took a photo of me with her.

I also had a surprise surgery on my paw. I was very brave but I was worried about Mummy all day. She really needs me, so I don’t know how she managed. I was glad to get back on duty.

Our friend Brandy came to see us. She just graduated from UMPI and is getting ready to start a new chapter in her life. She’s become part of our family over the last four years. We will really miss her. But she did promise to come back to see us.

I must be about the luckiest service animal ever. Mummy and I have such good times. I hope that you will follow along and help us build and maintain our terrific community.

I’ll try to write again soon.

Saint Says Good-Bye to Brandy for a Little While--5.30.2019

On to the Next Adventure!

Garrett DeLong

Hello everyone! It’s been a while since I’ve posted a blog, but that doesn’t mean that the BEYOND LIMITS team and I haven’t been staying busy. It’s been one busy semester with the organization and I want to share some of my experiences with you guys.
First off, we are already on our way to do our next adventure. This summer, Dr. J and Saint are going cross-country throughout the western United States with their van, Miracle. We are calling it “Going Back to the Roots.” The idea started because Dr. J is attending a conference in Denver, Colorado, in June. Dr. J thought that driving cross-country would be a perfect opportunity to visit her father’s hometown in Utah and pay her respects in his honor. She is also using this opportunity to stop and visit in Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming: three places that she has always wanted to visit.
I think that this adventure is inspiring for so many reasons. For one, Dr. J is channeling her family ancestors because over a century ago, they literally walked across the country to the state of Utah. She is literally “going back to her roots.”
It’s also inspiring because this will bring awareness of handicap-accessible vehicles like Miracle. Many people assume that if you have physical challenges you cannot operate a vehicle, and this is simply not the case
Right now, Brandy and I are compiling a list of places throughout the four states where Dr. J and Saint could potentially speak. We think that many people will find their story to be very inspiring.
Needless to say, we’ve been staying very busy! That’s it for me right now. I’ll start posting a blog weekly to keep you guys updated on the process we are going through planning this trip. Hope you all have a good weekend!

Kicking Off Spring in the Best Way

Hello, friends!! Saint here. I’m so glad it’s finally sunny out! I love the sun and being able to play outside without my boots! Anyway, the month of May just started and Mummy and I kicked off the new month (and the new weather) in the best way!
May 1st was a Tuesday, so Mummy had a full day of classes, which is always so much fun!! I love seeing all of my friends throughout the day! We also had the end of the semester potluck for the University Times, and there was SO MUCH FOOD! There was a huge sandwich, cookies, and fruit! I wish I could have had some, but none of those things are good for me.
After a full day of classes, Mummy and I had one of my favorite things to do: A Facebook Live Event! I get to see even more of my friends! Plus, I’m not wearing my gear during these events so I get lots of pats. I even got a belly tickle!! This Facebook Live was about The Sisterhood, who are the women who help Mummy and me go on our adventures! We were missing some people, but Aunt Kimmie and my friend Pam Easler were there! It was such a blast to see everyone! I love doing Facebook Live Events!

What’s your favorite way to connect with friends?? Do you love spring just as much as I do?? I love you all!