Dusty and Saint on the Grounds of the Shrine at Sainte Anne de Beaupre, Quebec, Canada. The Weather There Cleared for Us Just in Time: 8.18.2022.Saint and Dusty by Kinross Pond, Kirkland Lake, Ontario, Catching Some Sun. The Lake and Fountain Are in the Background–8.16.2022.Saint and Dusty at the Centennial Botanical Conservatory, Thunder Bay, Ontario–8.14.2022Saint and Dusty Relax in Front of a Dinosaur Skeleton, Museum of Natural Sciences, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon–8.8.2022Mummy and the Girls–Canadian Museum for Human Rights–Israel Asper Tower of Hope–Winnipeg, Manitoba–8.12.2022Saint and Dusty Relax by a Display of Wild Animals Found in Alberta at the Grande Prairie Museum, Muskoseepi Park, Grande Prairie, Alberta–8.6.2022 Amy Hodshon, DVM, Dusty’s Neurologist, Cuddles and Plays With Us on the Floor at MVMC, 8.31.2022Lynx at Yukon Wildlife PreserveHopper, Nova and Saint Take a Break–LBL–3.17.2018Mike Is First to Carry Dr. J. at Start of LBL–3.17.2018Saint and Dusty visit Dr. GomeryWe are happy and sad to see Abi graduate. We know that she will keep doing amazing things! Saint and Dusty Resting at the Encore Suites in Grande Prairie, AB, CABlack-Legged Kittiwake Rookery, Prince William Sound, AlaskaBecause of Denali’s harsh conditions, there is not a lot of wildlife.The Trail that Mummy blazed through the pastures to get to the Taste of Alaska Lodge–7.25.2022-7.27.2022Brad Lost in Thought, Sitting Outside Dr. J’s Tent–Brier Rose Branch, LBL–3.17.2018Dr J. Sits on Picnic Table at Start of Land Between the Lakes, Getting Ready to Hike–3.17.2018Trail Markers–LBL–3.17.2018Dr. J. Takes a Rest Break–Brad, Anna, Nicola, Patrick in Background–LBL–3.17.2018Saint Cuddles Up at the Super Eight, Seville, OH–3.15.2018Getting Gas–West Gardiner, Maine–3.14.2018Anna, Carrying Dr. J. With Lots of Heart–Her First Hiking Experience–LBL–3.17.2018Teri Comes to Our Room at the Springhill Suites, Murray, KY–3.16.2018Brad Relaxes Among the Gear–LBL–3.17.2018Frog Eggs–LBL–3.17.2018Morgan Cemetery–LBL–3.17.2018Aunt Sharon Talks With Saint at the Red Roof Inn, Enfield, CT–3.14.2018Still Another View of Our Interesting Evergreen–LBL–3.17.2018Water Source–LBL–3.17.2018We Stop for Gas in Buckhorn, PA–3.15.2018Field of Daffodils Indicating Former Habitation–LBL–3.17.2018Lobby at Red Roof Inn, Enfield, CT–First Nights Lodging–3.14.2018Dr. J. on Patrick–LBL–3.17.2018Aunt Sharon and Saint at the Red Roof Inn, Enfield, CT–3.14.2018Brier Rose Branch Back Country Site–Where We Camp for the Night–LBL–3.17.2018Saint Lost in Thought, Mike in Background–LBL–3.17.2018Anna’s First Turn Carrying Dr. J.–LBL–3.17.2018Nova, Anna and Nicola Rest–LBL–3.17.2018Teri Filters Water Outside Her Tent–Brier Rose Branch, LBL–3.17.2018Odd Growth on Evergreen–LBL–3.17.2018Very Muddy Saint Takes a Break–LBL–3.17.2018Mike Takes a Break–LBL–3.17.2018Morgan Cemetery–LBL–3.17.2018Sorting Our Gear In Springhill Suites, Murray, KY–3.16.2018Saint Cuddles With Anna While Gear Sorted at Springhill Suites, Murray, KY–3.16.2018Thumbs Up From Dr. J. on Mike–Patrick and Saint in the Background–LBL–3.17.2018Sadie Explores–LBL–3.17.2018Nova and Saint Explore Along the Trail–LBL–3.17.2018Interesting Evergreen–Another Angle–LBL–3.17.2018–IMG_3777Brad and Patrick Rest and Watch Mike–LBL–3.17.2018Another View of the Gang at the Start of the Hike, LBL–3.17.2018Brad Carries Dr. J, Followed by Mike–LBL–3.17.2018Patrick, Brad, Anna, Nicola, Dr. J. on Mike, Sadie at Start of Hike in LBL–3.17.2018Mike Shows Off His Biceps–LBL–3.17.2018Brad Joins Us in Our Room at Springhill Suites, Murray, KYFront View of Animal Skull Nailed to Tree–LBLDr. J. on Mike, Nicoloa Looking On–LBL–3.17.2018Dr. J. Hugs Mike While Saint Brings Up the Rear–3.17.2018Dr. J. Encourages Patrick–LBL–3.17.2018Mike and Brad Look at the Map While Anna and Nicola Rest–3.17.2018Wildflowers Along the Trail–LBLDr. J., Anna and Sadie on the Trail–LBLSigns of Spring–LBLAll Smiles From Patrick and Dr. J.–LBLSaint Says There’s Nothing Like Being Muddy and Lying in Leaves–LBL–3.17.2018Mike Is First to Carry Dr. J. at Start of LBL–3.17.2018Hopper, Nova and Saint Take a Break–LBL.Brad Lost in Thought, Sitting Outside Dr. J’s Tent–Brier Rose Branch, LBLDr J. Sits on Picnic Table at Start of Land Between the Lakes, Getting Ready to Hike–3.17.2018Rearview of Brad and Patrick Hiking the Trail–LBL.Trail Markers–LBL.Intriguing Rest Area in Oregonia, OH.Frog Eggs.Morgan Cemetery–LBL.Aunt Sharon Talks With Saint at the Red Roof Inn, Enfield, CT.Still Another View of Our Interesting Evergreen–LBL.Water Source–LBL.Jeep Passes Our Rest Area–LBL.Getting Gas–West Gardiner, Maine–3.14.2018Saint Cuddles Up at the Super Eight, Seville, OH.Dr. J. Takes a Rest Break–Brad, Anna, Nicola, Patrick in Background–LBL.Teri Comes to Our Room at the Springhill Suites, Murray, KY.Anna, Carrying Dr. J. With Lots of Heart–Her First Hiking Experience.Signpost Along the Trail–LBL.We Stop for Gas in Buckhorn, PA.Field of Daffodils Indicating Former Habitation.Brad and Saint Survey Our Gear to Sort at Springhill Suites, Murray, KY.Lobby at Red Roof Inn, Enfield, CT–First Night’s Lodging.Nicola and Anna Rest on a Sleeping Mat.Anna’s First Turn Carrying Dr. J.Nova, Anna and Nicola Rest.Teri Filters Water Outside Her Tent–Brier Rose Branch.Odd Growth on Evergreen.Very Muddy Saint Takes a Break.Aunt Sharon and Saint at the Red Roof Inn, Enfield, CT.Dr. J. on Patrick.Mileage Marker on Trail in LBL.Animal Skull Nailed to Tree.Saint Lost in Thought, Mike in Background.Anna Takes a Hill With Dr. J., Saint in Foreground.Brier Rose Branch Back Country Site–Where We Camp for the Night.Interesting Evergreen–Another Angle.Saint Lets It All Hang Out in Our Room at the Springhill Suites, Murray, KY.Nova and Saint Explore Along the Trail.Sadie Explores.Mike Pitches His Tent With Sadie, Patrick and Nicola in Background–Brier Rose Branch.Thumbs Up From Dr. J. on Mike–Patrick and Saint in the Background.Brad Carries Dr. J, Followed by Mike–LBL–3.17.2018.Brad and Patrick Rest and Watch Mike–LBL.Anna, Nicola and Brad–Checking Packs.Morgan Cemetery–LBL.Mike Takes a Break.Sorting Our Gear In Springhill Suites, Murray, KY.Saint Cuddles With Anna While Gear Sorted at Springhill Suites, Murray, KY.Patrick, Brad, Anna, Nicola, Dr. J. on Mike, Sadie at Start of Hike in LBL.We Get Gas in Seville, OH.Mike Shows Off His Biceps.Brad Joins Us in Our Room at Springhill Suites, Murray, KY.Front View of Animal Skull Nailed to Tree.All Smiles From Patrick and Dr. J.Signs of Spring.Dr. J., Anna and Sadie on the Trail.Wildflowers Along the Trai.Rearview of the Hiking Party, Brad in Rear.Mike and Brad Look at the Map While Anna and Nicola Rest.Dr. J and the girls make their way inside Miracle 2.0.Dr. J and the girls make their way inside Miracle 2.0.Saint getting lots of love from Dr. Hotham.We’ll be eagerly waiting for you to come back next semester!All day in class, all I could think … what we were going to eat.Trail Sign.Dr. J. on Mike, Nicoloa Looking On.Dr. J. Hugs Mike While Saint Brings Up the RearDr. J. Encourages Patrick.I have newfound respect for cats. Wearing these ears gets really uncomfortable.This is a picture of Mummy and I from a few years ago. Dusty looks forward to taking a picture with me in her cap and gown someday.Us with Mummy and her students!A candid shot that Abi took of us all, family picture!Saint and some of her graduating seniors.Captured from the Facebook Live event.Saint as a puppy.Saint Brings Erin Keehn Her Ermine Toy Saint’s getting comfortable and doesn’t want to leave!??Lunch Break Outside Greylock Hall, Williams College, ALDHA Gathering.Photo: Lenny ColePhoto: Christopher BowdenPhoto: Christopher BowdenPhoto: Lenny ColePhoto: Lenny ColePhoto: Christopher BowdenPhoto: Lenny ColePhoto: Christopher BowdenPhoto: Lenny ColePhoto: Christopher BowdenPhoto: Christopher BowdenPhoto: Christopher BowdenPhoto: Christopher BowdenPhoto: Christopher BowdenPhoto: Christopher BowdenPhoto: Christopher BowdenPhoto: Lenny ColePhoto: Christopher Bowden