Leap of Faith

Kelly Gumprecht

I often wonder what it is that makes individuals think they can’t.  Why is it that they doubt themselves?  When in our lives do we learn to be embarrassed and decide not to try something new?  As children we are instinctively born with natural curiosity to explore.  What happens to that flame?  Why does it burn out?

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When You Hear “Can’t”

Erin Keehn

Hello, everyone! My name is Erin and I’m a member of BEYOND LIMITS: Awaken Your Potential. I didn’t join for the sake of joining, though. Neither did I join for someone else or their opinion. I joined because I have lived a life plagued with “can’t.” Growing up, I always had a little voice in the back of my mind whispering, “can’t” when I thought about doing anything. The voice was there whenever I had doubts or fears, and especially when I had hopes and dreams. To be haunted by my own limitations was paralyzing and daunting and something I would never wish on another.

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The Gift

Kelly Gumprecht

Time. It’s a funny thing really. We all have the same amount of it: yet some of us seem to have too much of it and others don’t seem to have enough. I fall into the latter category. I’m constantly one step ahead of where I am, planning, figuring, creating and playing out the next scenario. I’ve always got multiple things going on at the same time. My mother likens me to a race car. She’s always said that I drive my car full speed ahead and that I lap everyone else about five times before they reach the finish. Maybe she’s right. Maybe that explains why I’m so tired half the time??

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What I Have Learned From BEYOND LIMITS

Tong Liu

Hi, my name is Tong Liu. I am an international student at UMPI. I come from Beijing. I am now an Oakley spokesperson of China because of my snowboarding. I am also a member of BEYOND LIMITS: Awaken You Potential.

Have you ever devoted yourself to a charity or cause you would like to support in your leisure time? Or have you wanted to? Then I believe you must be interested in the project – BEYOND LIMITS: Awaken Your Potential. This project not only is a charity but it is a mental challenge.

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