The Holidays Are Here!

Hi, everyone! It’s me, Saint. I hope that this finds you all well. Can you believe that 2017 is almost over? Mummy and I have had such a busy year and I’ve enjoyed telling you so much about it all.

Mummy and I have had a busy couple of weeks. Her students were finishing up their finals, and so we were on campus a lot. But we had lots of fun. I think that the students were actually a little sad that they were going on break. I know that they will miss Mummy and me.

Mummy and I are taking a little break of our own. The holidays are here. And we are going to visit my aunt, Mummy’s sister, over our holiday break. I think that Mummy needs a vacation. She loves her students, but they really tire her out! I’m looking forward to our relaxing a bit.

What are you all doing for the holidays? Hopefully, you get to see your friends and families. There is so much to be thankful for. Mummy and I got to do so many amazing things this year. We got to see places we’ve never seen before, like the Appalachian Trail. And we met so many amazing people. I have a lot of new friends now!

Do you guys have any special holiday treats? I always eat very healthily, but Mummy lets me have treats once in a while. Carrots are my favorite! They are sweet just like candy to me. I hope that you all get to enjoy some treats of your own. That’s one of the best things about the holidays. Do you think that Mummy will let me have a few extra carrot sticks?

I hope that you all have a wonderful holiday season. Be safe and I will talk to you all in the new year. Bye for now!

Just Getting Started

Can you become involved in something accidentally? I suppose that it’s possible. When I became involved with BEYOND LIMITS, I honestly didn’t know what I was getting into. At first, I started doing work for the organization as a class project. I first heard about the organization as a freshman at the University of Maine at Presque Isle, when I took my first class with Dr. Jacqui Lowman (Dr. J). I had no idea that it would become as much a part of my life as it is now.

I am now a senior at UMPI, and BEYOND LIMITS has impacted my life in ways that I never thought possible. Sure, it has given me great opportunities for school projects, and it definitely challenged me to think outside of the box. But it has done so much more than that. For me, it has been a journey. As one of the members of home base while Dr. J was out hiking the Appalachian Trail, I have learned and grown so much and I continue to do so.

Probably the biggest thing that I have learned is how to roll with the punches. Dr. J is a big believer in adapting and finding new ways to answer our own questions and come up with creative solutions. When she set out on the hike, no one really knew what to expect. But we all knew that it would be an adventure. And as she started on her journey, I began one as well. I wasn’t sure that managing the hike from here at home would be something that I could do. I was nervous. But I had others to work with. And, slowly, I began to grow more confident. I learned to look to others for support and feedback. I really grew closer to those involved and I truly love working with them.

The biggest thing that I have taken away from working with BEYOND LIMITS is how it really is something that involves everyone, no matter where they come from or what they have been through. Honestly, when I think about the difficulties or challenges that I have faced and continue to face, the message of BEYOND LIMITS fits perfectly. There really is nothing that is impossible. It’s how we accomplish those “impossible” things that just takes a little extra thought and work.

I love that I get to be a part of this amazing team. It’s taught me so much about accountability and asking others for help and input. I’ve learned that you can’t let things that scare you stop you from accomplishing amazing things. I just look at Dr. J and the team out on the trail, and it is truly inspiring. They didn’t know how their portions of the hike were going to go. They just had to trust one another and work together as a single unit. And that is what we at home base got to do and continue to strive for. While Dr. J and her team were out hiking, we were climbing mountains of our own.

The most exciting part about this whole experience is that this is all just the beginning. I’m not reflecting on the whole journey. I’m reflecting on the journey thus far. BEYOND LIMITS is going to continue to inspire and to amaze. I continue to be involved in it because I have to see what happens next. I was asked once why I continue to be involved. And my answer was, “Why would you stop reading a great book halfway?” I want to keep surpassing my own expectations and help others realize their full potentials. This is all just the start of a journey that is going to be the adventure of a lifetime.

Let Me Introduce My Good Friend, Tong

Hi, everyone! How are you? The weather is becoming cold, and the snow is coming. I am so excited because then I can play with snowballs! Do you like snow days, too?

Today I want to talk a bit about BEYOND LIMITS. I want to introduce one of BEYOND LIMITS’ members to you: the brilliant and funny person, from Beijing, China, named Tong Liu. He is so funny that he always makes the people around him laugh long and hard. He is the only volunteer who communicate with others by a second language. His first language is Chinese.

Are you interested in China in general or Beijing in particular? How about the Great Wall? The Imperial Palace? Feel free to ask questions. Tong is very eager to explain everything about China to you. He also welcomes every person to travel to China to see these and other sights.

Also, Tong has a great project. He created and cares for a YouTube channel for BEYOND LIMITS where you can always find the precious moments about Mummy’s and my everything. He has very excellent equipment to record every special moment for BEYOND LIMITS. He even uses a drone to take aerial photographs. Would you like to try this machine? Just tell me and I will pass the word on to him!

Anyway, if you go to our BEYOND LIMITS channel, you will be surprised at the fantastic photos and videos! Many of them feature me. So be sure to check it out and see me smiling at you!

And…We’re Live!

Hi, guys! It’s me, Saint. First of all, Happy Thanksgiving! I hope that you all had a great holiday and had lots to be thankful for. Mummy and I had a very nice holiday. And we even got some Christmas gift wrapping done. I have so much to be thankful for. We have done so many exciting things this year!

I have to tell you guys about the cool thing we did a few weeks ago. Mummy, six of her students and I did a Facebook Live event! If you follow us on Facebook, you might have even seen us. Mummy and her students talked about BEYOND LIMITS and they got to answer questions from people who were watching. It was really neat. I have to admit that I slept through some of it. Everyone was just sitting around and talking, and it had been a long day. It’s a lot of work being Mummy’s helper. I hope that we do another event soon. Hopefully we all can do something fun and entertaining!

The event seemed to go really well. Mummy was really happy about it and other people seemed to enjoy it, too! Everyone was laughing and having a great time. I love how close everyone has gotten. Just a few years ago, I remember meeting these students for the first time. Now, we have all gotten to know one another and some are even getting ready to graduate. I get to see them pretty much every week. Some even stay until late at night talking to Mummy and me. I think this makes Mummy tired, though. She says she likes her bed. I try to tell her to just take naps during the day like me. I guess she thinks her students wouldn’t like it.

Well, that’s what has been going on lately. We have some exciting plans coming up, so I’ll keep you all posted. Until then, take care. Bye, guys!

Pushing Limits Aside–A Reflection by Melissa Lizotte

I got involved with BEYOND LIMITS without ever setting foot on the Appalachian Trail or even Mount Katahdin, the site of the first BEYOND LIMITS expedition. To this day, I’m still not what many people might call an “avid” hiker. I enjoy the outdoors and always make sure to include physical activity in my daily life. But the only challenging hike I’ve done thus far is in Aroostook State Park in Presque Isle. I was only a high school student when I hiked that trail and at the time I thought it was one of the most daunting mountains that anyone could climb.

Then I began college as an English major at the University of Maine at Presque Isle and realized I had a lot of growing to do as a person. I met Dr. J in her Intro. to Professional Communication and Journalism class during my sophomore year. One semester later, I learned about her July 2015 climb of Katahdin with a group of dedicated volunteers who carried her on their backs to the top. I had no idea that within months Dr. J would recruit my classmates and me for BEYOND LIMITS’ biggest adventure so far: a hike of the AT.

By the time I entered Dr. J’s Evolving Media class in Spring 2016, I had already found many of my niches in academics. I was steadfast in my pursuit of literary fiction and poetry writing and had found a second passion with journalism, particularly with magazine and newspaper freelancing. I was aware of Dr. J’s work ethic and knew that she would come up with a BEYOND LIMITS project that would challenge everyone. On the first day of Evolving Media, she announced that she and a group of volunteers, whom she had yet to recruit, would thru-hike the AT from March to September/early October 2017. I remember feeling motivated to help her achieve that goal and did not hesitate to begin my chosen assignment: researching potential universities, outing clubs, and other recreation groups to recruit trail support volunteers. Trail support volunteers would help hikers with everything from carrying large packs to driving them to rest stops to offering a place to sleep for the night. My list of possible volunteers became much longer than I anticipated, not because I wanted to be the “teacher’s pet.” I thought that BEYOND LIMITS could benefit from having as many options for recruitment as possible. The greatest fulfillment was knowing that my work had the potential to affect many people for the better instead of simply earning me a good grade for the course or turning in an assignment that only a professor and a handful of students would see.

As I took more courses from Dr. J that involved BEYOND LIMITS, I soon realized that any expedition that the team took on was not about her. In fact, the messages of the Katahdin climb and Appalachian Trail Adventure (ATA) have never been about helping someone who cannot walk. Instead, BEYOND LIMITS is about all coming together and pushing themselves physically and/or emotionally further than they thought they could go. That mission was what my classmates and I strived to achieve with whatever work we did during our time with Dr. J.

The semester after Evolving Media, in Dr. J’s upper-level Professional Communication course, she sent everyone a list of various potential volunteers she had contacted that summer. None of those people had responded to her emails. So our job was to first email, then call, various university professors, outing clubs and community recreation groups to promote the opportunity to volunteer for the ATA. I had to call most of my contacts because they did not respond to my initial emails. I probably contacted over 30 people and only recruited a few of them. Many did not have positive reactions when I told them about the hike nor did they stay on the phone long enough for me to completely explain the project. But reaching out to them helped me conquer my fears of talking to people I didn’t know and spread more awareness of BEYOND LIMITS.

Promoting the ATA gave me even more personal passion for the project. I discovered that I, too, was part of the BEYOND LIMITS team and had gone far beyond what I believed to be my limitations. I’m not an outgoing person by nature. Until college, public speaking and participating in class discussions had always made me self-conscious. But because of BEYOND LIMITS, I rid myself of a lot of those fears and realized that my contributions were just as valuable as those for whom speaking aloud comes more naturally. My classmates and I never experienced the physical burdens of hiking a trail like the AT. But all of us felt a connection to BEYOND LIMITS and brought unique perspectives and talents to the ATA. Sometimes we paired up to help one another cover more ground during the research phase. In the Evolving Media class, three students, Monica Hewitt, Ning Sun and me, researched volunteer options. I focused on trail support people while Monica researched opportunities for trail hikers and Ning targeted homebase volunteers. We divided up the states along the AT so that all of us could do more vast research without missing any potential volunteers. Even in the Professional Communication course, all found their own niche despite the fact that we were all contacting potential volunteers. All of us took our own approach to the outreach process and learned how to persevere even when some of the people we contacted did not understand the mission behind the ATA.

Whenever I think about my time with BEYOND LIMITS, I most often remember those team meetings with Dr. J and my classmates. Not everyone always agreed on what was the best way to recruit volunteers or how to promote the ATA to certain audiences. But what I felt as the semesters went on was a growing sense of camaraderie and respect among our group. I knew that I could say my opinions without worrying about the others criticizing me personally and that I would do the same for them in return. Though I was one of the few students who was not a professional communication and journalism (PCJ) major, I never felt that I didn’t belong. BEYOND LIMITS gave me one of many opportunities during college to form bonds with people that I still consider my friends. In many ways I got to “hike” a “trail” with all of them because we started a project that had no clear outcome, but came out on the other side with the satisfaction of knowing that we helped make BEYOND LIMITS’ now completed section hikes of the AT possible. I look forward to keeping in touch with my fellow team members in the coming years and seeing how BEYOND LIMITS inspires their own accomplishments. They have helped me realize that no matter what my goals are, I can move forward despite obstacles and make an impact that reaches far beyond the classroom.

Since Dr. J left for the AT in March, I graduated from UMPI and began a career in media relations while also managing the BEYOND LIMITS Twitter account. But I have realized that I’m still far from achieving all my goals in life. In the future, I want to earn a master’s degree in English and master of fine arts in creative writing so that I could teach those subjects at the college level. The latter degree will help me further develop as a creative writer and produce work that is more suited for publication. I’m always aware of the challenges I will face once I officially pursue those degrees. There are many times when I feel discouraged about how I will even find the courage to go after what many people might call “impossible” goals. But then I remember what BEYOND LIMITS is all about: learning to surround myself with people who believe in CAN instead of CAN’T and getting rid of the barriers that I have too often placed upon myself. I know now that only positive things can happen when all of us dare to take those first difficult steps on our own journeys.

Have a Spook-tacular Fall!

Hello, everyone. Halloween will be coming soon. Have you ever thought of dressing up for Halloween? I always think about that! Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. It symbolizes love and kindness, joy and happiness to me because I can dress up together with Mummy! I enjoy dressing up! I always think that is very fun!

I still remember when Mummy dressed up as a demoness, Lilith, with a red wig and trident. I also remember when Mummy dressed up as a dark angel, with black wings and a black head ring. That is so cool. I was very extraordinary last time, too. Mummy gave me a hat with long hair and two braids. Everyone said that I looked lovely and beautiful! Everyone wanted to touch my long hair!

Wait! The most exciting thing for my Halloween is when Mummy has a class for Halloween week. She always requires all students to dress up and come to class. For me, that is a visual feast! Students have different costumes. They dress up as ghosts, witches or frightening Dracula, as lovely clowns and scary ones. In other words, they dress up whatever they want to be. That’s so creative! So funny!

I cannot wait to see what will happen this Halloween! Because of Mummy’s friends, Mummy and I have been away on the Appalachian Trail. I’ve been out with so much blue sky, white clouds and beautiful sunshine, beautiful landscape in the woods, too. Could you give me some suggestions about what should I dress up for this Halloween? Maybe a tree? A monkey?

Happy Halloween all! Saint loves you guys!

Mummy and I visit OSI

Hi, guys! It’s Saint again! Who’s loving this fall weather? I know I am! The trees are getting so pretty, the weather’s a bit cooler and there are lots of new scents to sniff! Mummy and I have had a pretty busy summer since we got back to take a little break from hiking. We have been meeting with her students (I really missed them!) and even giving some presentations here and there.

I actually wanted to tell you guys about a presentation that Mummy and I gave recently. It was in Caribou, Maine at the Outdoor Sport Institute. We call it OSI. Mummy’s friend Mike was there. He was one of the Sherpas who hiked Katahdin a couple of years ago. He had a class of four gap year students who are taking a semester to take an outdoor adventure class instead of jumping right in to college. Let me see if I can remember their names: Ruslan, McKensi, Libby and Sarah. Yes! I did it!

Mummy gave them a presentation about the Appalachian Trail Adventure. Then, Mummy, Mike and Seth, Mike’s helper, gave a demonstration using the carrier. Mummy got in and Mike and Seth took turns carrying her on their backs. The students got to help by assisting Mummy in getting in and out of the carrier. I watched for a bit. But mostly I sniffed around the room. There were several people and so many good scents to smell!

Mummy and I have some more presentations coming up soon. We’re always busy. But that’s how we like it. It keeps things really interesting. And it’s always fun telling people about BEYOND LIMITS and all of our adventures!

Well, I’d better get going. My dinner is calling my name. I’ll talk to you all again very soon. Bye!

Rocky and Her Friends–Nicola Dragonetti

I first heard about this opportunity one day in class. Mike handed me an article and said “Read this. I think you might find it interesting.” I read the article about Dr. J and her dream of hiking the Appalachian Trail and immediately decided that I wanted to be a part of this experience. When I started telling my friends and family that I would be carrying someone while hiking, they all had similar reactions: they thought it was an awesome idea but said I was crazy for wanting to do it. After hearing everyone’s reactions, I started thinking that maybe I shouldn’t go, that I wasn’t strong enough to survive 10 days on the trail. But I didn’t let my fears stop me and before I knew it, I was on my way to Shenandoah National Park.

On the first day, before we left the campsite, we practiced carrying Dr. J. Even just walking around a few feet was difficult and my fear about not being able to do this came back. But it was too late to back out and I knew that this experience would be worth it. My first rotation of carrying Dr. J on the trail consisted of a rather steep incline full of rocks (which turned out to be a recurring theme for me throughout the trip, hence my trail name Rocky). I had to take a few breaks to catch my breath, but I made it through my 10 minutes with less difficulty than I had anticipated. As the days went by, things started to go more smoothly, and you could see the dynamic of your group changing. We started out as a group of random strangers, turned into a team that had to work together, and eventually became a family.

We encountered many different people throughout our hike, but there was one couple that sticks out in my mind. The couple was curious about what we were doing, so we explained that we have a group of six but only four of us carried Dr. J. The man asked the guys how long they carried for and they said 10 minutes. Then the man turned to me and asked the same question. I just kind of laughed and said that I also carry Dr. J for 10 minutes. I grew up in a neighborhood full of boys, so I’m used to being the only girl participating in physically demanding activities. Before this point in the trip, I didn’t even think about the fact that I was the only female in the group that was carrying Dr. J. I didn’t start this adventure with any specific point to prove, but I showed that women can carry someone up a steep mountain full of rocks just as well as men can.

I couldn’t have asked for a better group of people with which to share this experience and I wouldn’t change any part of it. Being able to spend 10 days in the wilderness was rejuvenating and reminded me to appreciate the simple things in life. The hike was difficult, but I learned that with teamwork, dedication, and encouragement, any goal can be accomplished. I am so grateful that I got the opportunity to go on this adventure and meet such amazing people. And to all the people who said I was crazy for doing it, yea maybe I am a little crazy. But you don’t get this type of experience unless you push beyond the boundaries of what you think is possible.

Seeing All My Fans

Hi guys! Saint here. So, I don’t know if you know this, but Mummy and I are back from the Appalachian Trail for a little while. Even though I loved being with Mummy and exploring the world, I am more than happy to be back home in Maine, being able to sleep all day and see all my friends again!

Speaking of my friends, we got to see Mummy’s students again! They all were so happy to see me. They were petting me and talking to me: my tail wouldn’t stop wagging. The best part was that I didn’t have my vest on, so I could go visit with them as much as I wanted! I was being such a good girl that Mummy even gave me some carrots for my good behavior!

Some days Mummy and I don’t go to school. We stay at home. I thought that was a little funny, because Mummy was always in her office or talking to her students in her classroom before we left for the hike. Mummy says that she got some time off from her regular teaching so that she can write and talk about BEYOND LIMITS. I’m not complaining though. There’s nothing better than being home with Mummy, sleeping the day away with all my toys.

The days that we do make our way to school, I know that we will be able to see Mummy’s students. Like I said, they love me so much. They are my biggest fans. Well, apart from Mummy, who is my number one fan. I love being with Mummy and the students. When I want to sleep, I can. When I want to go say hello, I can. Then when it’s time for Mummy and me to go home, it’s back to service dog duty. We head home, where my vest can come off again and I can play and sleep all I want.

Even though I miss all of the friends we met when we were on the trail, I know seeing me makes Mummy’s students extra happy. And that makes me the happiest dog.

How I Stay Healthy to Take Care of Mummy

Hello, my friends. I would like to talk food today. The reason is that we all know that everybody needs to eat every day, which means most creatures cannot survive without food. Actually, there often are many people who are interested in what food I always eat. So, I would like to introduce my menu.

First, I eat Eukanuba brand Large Breed Adult kibble for my daily life. I always have two meals–Breakfast and Dinner–every day. It not only makes me feel full but also gives me energy for the whole day.

Second, I really like carrots. I get several carrots with each meal, and also sometimes have them for my snacks.

When I do something well, I always get a few rewards. For example, when I open the door for others, Mummy will give me some snacks. Sometimes I can get extra pieces of kibble. It’s almost like dessert. I really think it is delicious and also includes rich vitamins. Mummy also told me that it is really good for my body.

Third, comes Pup-Peroni. I know when I do something really great, Mummy will give me a piece of Pup-Peroni. I’m so happy for this, because this is not only very delicious, but also indicates Mummy’s approval. Do any of you like Pup-Peroni like I do?

At bedtime, I get a few Rawhide Chew Sticks. Not only do they taste good: they also help keep my teeth and jaws clean and in good shape. I feel good.

Now, just like with human hikers, I consumed more calories when I hiked than I do in my everyday life. So, Mummy increased the amount of kibble that she gave me for my meals. And I got more snacks–more Pup-Peroni and rawhide. This made me very happy, because I love to eat.

I hope that you guys will choose balanced, healthy food because it will help you have a healthy body.