Hi everyone! Saint here. I hope you are all doing well and having fun! I want to tell you guys about some of my favorite toys. Mummy keeps my toys in a big box for me, but my favorite toys Mummy leaves on my bed so I get them easier. I play with them after I go outside in the morning and also when we get home at night. In the morning when I come back inside and I do some stretching, then I retrieve my favorite toy. It’s a short tree with squirrels, but the squirrels make noises. Its lots of fun to flip my tree in the air. Sometimes, I find the things that makes the noises, and I take them out. I bring them to Mummy. Then Mummy does surgery on them so the squirrels make the noises again. I also have a birdhouse with little birds in it: it’s a lot like my tree. I play with that one upstairs. I also have a really big pillow upstairs that is shaped like me. When Mummy is working, I get to play with Lambie. Once I played with Lambie too hard and she lost an ear. When friends visit Mummy at work I get Lambie to show them.
When Mummy and I went hiking, I had some friends to play with. They liked to play fetch, which I don’t understand. They would go after the ball once their person threw it and kept getting it, no matter how many times it was thrown. I get stuff for Mummy all the time, but Mummy doesn’t throw stuff just for me to get it. I don’t get why they do that. Their people could have gotten the ball themselves: they didn’t need help.
Hope you all are doing well and don’t forget to play today.
Facebook Live
Hello, everyone! Saint here. Tuesday was a super exciting day for Mummy and me! After a full day of going with Mummy to classes and seeing all my friends, we had something else very exciting to do! Some of Mummy’s students came to Mummy’s office to see us and we did something called a Facebook Live Event. It was a lot of fun, except for the fact that Mummy put me in my booties and coat, but I didn’t mind too much. Mummy got me those booties a few years ago because the snow and salt hurts my paws. Mummy always looks out for me: she’s the best!
During the Facebook Live Event, Mummy and her students talked about BEYOND LIMITS and they asked a bunch of questions about me! Mummy kept on saying that the Live Event was about me, which was very exciting. That’s why she had me in my winter gear. One of Mummy’s students dressed in his winter gear too, so I didn’t feel too bad about having it on.
During the Live Event, I kept on running over to my bed because I was SO TIRED, but Mummy kept telling me no, and I’m glad she did. Even though it was a long day, I had tons of fun!!
I do need to get lots of rest though because Mummy and I are going on a big adventure next week. We’re driving to Kentucky and going on a hike! Make sure you stay tuned for that.
Have you guys ever done a Facebook Live Event? Do you have any Winter Gear? What do you Love about Winter? I love you all!
The Best Way to Keep Cool
Hello everyone—Saint here. Summer is coming! That means that it’s time to really think about water. Do you guys know how critical water is? Could you imagine what would happen without water in our lives? Have you ever figured how much water you drink each day? I did a rough calculation of my need for water each day. Now I realize that I need more water in summer and on days when I’m really active because I need water to cool my body when it’s hot.
At home I have several bowls with water that help me to save energy. Now I really know how important it is to drink lots and lots of water when the sun beats down, because I spend much time hiking with my Mummy every day. More water makes my body cool as soon as possible so I will have more energy to hike with Mummy. I need more water now. I see Mummy always brings a big bottle with enough water to save her and my energy. Roughly now my water intake is two times more than when we were at UMPI.
Anyway, Saint wants to remind you all to drink more water, in time. Water is the source of life and the link that binds all living beings on this planet. No creatures cannot survive without water. The body’s need for water is second only to its need for oxygen. Not only should you drink enough water daily to keep your body healthy. Also, please make sure that you’re drinking enough after running or hiking, especially in the summer months.
Warmer Weather
Hi guys! Saint here. Wow, what a difference in the weather we have here in Virginia. It is really nice and warm! Unlike Maine, where it’s cold all the time. When we were in Maine, Mummy would bundle up in so many jackets to go outside. Here in Virginia, she doesn’t have to! I think Mummy likes the warmer weather. I like it too! Nothing better than sleeping in a nice, warm place!
We are still waiting to go back on the trail. I heard Mummy telling her students back in Maine that we would be heading back to Maine for a little bit. I think Mummy said it has something to do with equipment issues, but I really don’t know what that means. But it must be important since we are heading all the way back home. I am very excited to see all our friends again. I’ve missed the students too. They always smell so good and pet me when I walk over to them. I can tell they really like me, which is good because I really like them!
Even though I am excited to head back to Maine, I am a little sad that we won’t be hiking for a little bit. Mummy and I have met so many new friends and I will miss all of them. And even though there is nothing I love more than taking many naps in a day, I will miss being out on the trail. There are all kinds of new places to go and things to smell, it’s never a dull moment! It is so much fun being on the trail surrounded by so many beautiful things! I will miss it so much! But Mummy says after a couple of weeks in Maine, we will be heading back onto the trail. I hope we meet up with old friends and meet new ones as well. It will be fun being back on the trail, and I can’t wait to see what new adventures unfold! Be sure to keep up with my blogs, I will be telling all kinds of fun stories in the future! Bye for now!
Just Chilling For Now
Hi, guys! It’s me, Saint! Since I had a little down time, I thought I’d take a minute to catch you up on what I’ve been up to. I’m so excited I hardly know where to begin!
Well, if you’ve all been keeping up with us, you know that Mummy and I are pretty far from home. We hiked our first week on the Appalachian Trail a little while ago. After that, we spent some time in Clemson, SC. Mummy got to know a lot of the students at Clemson University. She even did some talks around the area about our adventure.
Now, we are in Virginia. We just moved here last week, and we’re waiting for the next group of hikers so we can get back on the trail. I don’t think we made it as far as Mummy had planned. But she seemed to think it was a good thing. She still had to help her students up in Maine finish their finals. Boy, I really miss them! I think Mummy does, too. She uses her computer to talk to them a lot!
I’m really excited to get back on the trail. I don’t mean to brag, but I’m a really great hiker. I think that Mummy is really proud of me. I hiked the whole way our first week and I didn’t need any help! I’ve been training for months so I’m really not surprised.
Oh, I almost forgot. In case you guys haven’t already seen them, you should check out Mummy’s blog. She wrote about our first week on the trail. She’s been really busy with finals and moving, so she hasn’t written as much as she’d like. But I think she’s going to start again soon. I can’t wait! Mummy’s a great storyteller. I wonder if that’s where I get it?
Well, I think that’s about it for now. I’ll have a lot more to tell you all in a couple of weeks. Make sure you keep up with us on Facebook and the website. Bye, guys!
On The Way
Hi everyone! Saint here. Long time no see. Good news: Mummy has a super car! Mummy got a new wheelchair: I think that is an amazing car! It’s blue–I like blue. Blue represents the ocean, the water. When I am lying beside Mummy’s wheelchair, I always fall into a deep sleep soon. I dream Mummy and I live by the sea. Not only is the new wheelchair faster than her old one, but also Mummy can put the back down when she wants to take a break. Also, the wheelchair can go up and down, which makes it convenient for my Mummy to do everything she wants to do.
Mummy’s wheelchair is not the only good news. Do you guys know where Mummy and I are now? Ah, we started the Appalachian Trail Adventure!!
Could you guys imagine the amazing things that I experience these days? We’re going different places, seeing the various landscapes, meeting all kinds of people, learning a lot along the way.
I enjoy this wonderful journey with Mummy. Mummy and I already successfully started the Appalachian Trail Adventure in mid-March. Mummy and I spent nearly a week hiking with five interesting people who are Mummy’s friends. There was her colleague from Clemson, Sean Williams, and four Clemson students: Brad Bradley, Lindsay Costin, Philip Gee and Jimmy Knot. We took a lot of amazing pictures on the way that Mummy said she would like to put on our BEYOND LIMITS website and social media.
Now, Mummy and I need to take a little break. We need to adjust or repair our equipment. Mummy and I are very exciting! Mummy said we have made a good start to our trip! Over the summer we will continue to hike. Would you like to join us? Saint is here and Saint waiting for you! Find out how to join us at www.beyondlimitsawaken.org.

Saint On The Trail
Hello, everyone! Saint here – so sorry it’s taken me so long to update you on our trip, but boy has it been fun! Mummy and I hiked for a whole week. She told me we walked for 30 miles, but I felt like I could’ve gone for another week after! Let me tell you all about it!
After our long drive – and I mean long – we finally made it to Georgia. Mummy explained to me that this is where the Appalachian Trail begins. We had to do a funny loop on our first day; we went backward, to a place called Springer Mountain, before we started going back in the right direction, towards home! Isn’t that neat? Mummy said we had to do this because Springer Mountain is the official start of the Appalachian Trail. Then we had to get serious about our hiking.
Mummy was in her Jac Pack while I stayed on the ground. We had to use my leash whenever there were other people around, but sometimes I got to take it off and I could sneak ahead. There were so many new smells to find! I smelled so many different trees: hickory trees, poplar trees, sycamore trees, you name it! But I was a good girl and didn’t disturb them. Just a few sniffs and then I found other things to inspect!
I had so much fun smelling around and I also loved getting to smell and meet so many new people! Mummy and I had our group with us, so many nice people, but we also got to meet lots of hikers while we were on the trail. They were always friendly and loved hearing our stories. Some of them even said they would follow us, but I didn’t see anyone behind us. I think they might’ve meant a different type of follow.
When it got dark, Mummy and I enjoyed spending time around the campfire, cooking dinner, and listening to stories from the other people in our group. It was so much fun to hear everyone laughing and see their bright smiles. These people really are so interesting. But I also miss Mummy’s students and my friends in Maine. I’m sure we’ll see them soon, though!
After the campfires burned down, Mummy and I got to sleep in our tent on our fancy bed. It was so comfy and soft and warm I thought about asking Mummy to let me have it for myself when we get home! I wonder if she’ll let me. I’m so good about not scratching it with my claws and I always leave room for Mummy.
It’s been a few weeks now since we’ve been on the trail and I can’t wait to get back out there! The trail is always fun and exciting and there are so many new experiences to have! I hope to meet more people soon and I promise I won’t wait so long to let you know what Mummy and I are doing next time. What an amazing adventure we’re on!
Our First Week
Hi, guys! It’s Saint again. Boy, a lot has happened since I last talked to you all! First of all, I’m not in Northern Maine anymore. As a matter of fact, Mummy and I are very far away. Can you guess where we are? Well, if you’ve been following us, then you’ve probably guessed it. We’re on the Appalachian Trail!
We’ve only just started, but I’m already having a great time. The ride down was really long. Mummy drove the whole way! But, luckily, we made a couple of stops along the way. We set out on Mummy’s birthday, and she wanted to see her sister for her birthday. So, we stopped at my aunt’s house in Connecticut. It was really nice to see our family!
We only stayed with Mummy’s sister for a little bit. We had a long drive ahead of us! But we made it to Georgia safely. We travelled through so many states. Who knew Maine was so far north?
Guess what, guys? I’ve finally seen it. I’ve finally seen the Appalachian Trail! It’s so amazing. I’ve walked on it all week. I’m a little tired, but I can’t wait to get back on it! Mummy and I are taking a bit of a break right now, but we are hoping to be back out soon.
Well, I think that’s it for now, guys. It’s been a great first week. I think Mummy’s going to start blogging soon. So, we’re both going to have blogs now! I can’t wait. And I can’t wait to tell you guys more about our adventure. Bye for now!
Trip to the Vet!
Hey guys. Saint here. I don’t know why other animals don’t like the vet. I love the vet! I know as soon as we get there because I can smell all the different kinds of animals. My nose is good with stuff like that. The first thing I love to do is sniff the rugs that are in the entry way. That has all the smells of all the animals who have walked over it. I can even smell the people the animals bring with them to the vet. That’s my favorite rug. Well, that one and the one we go to when Mummy picks up her medicine. That is also a very good smelling rug.
But back to the vet. I go to Dr. Hotham. He is really nice, and so are the people who work with him. The first thing I do when I get there is step on the scale. That is supposed to tell them how much I weigh. I don’t know why though. I work out every morning, so I know I look good. But it makes them happy, and that’s all that matters. Then we get to go in another room that also has many scents in it. That’s when I get rubbed and patted by the people who work with Dr. Hotham. It feels so good. My tail wags the entire time.
Sometimes I have to get shots, though. But you know what? That doesn’t bother me! You want to know why? Because after I get the shots, I get treats! Lots and lots of treats. That’s my absolute favorite part about going to the vet. I love that even more then sniffing that amazing rug.
When we were there last, I noticed Mummy’s emotion changed. I’m good at noticing when emotions change. Mummy went from happy to worried, and I didn’t know why. I mean, I was right there, Mummy had nothing to worry about. I did hear something about Platelets. Now, I don’t know what that means, but Mummy said we would have come back in a week. That means more treats and rubs and sniffs on that rug for me, but Mummy was unhappy. When we went back, Mummy was still worried. I didn’t know how to help her. I tried, but nothing seemed to help. Then Dr. Hotham came in and he made it all better. I’ll have to thank him for that next time I see him. Then, when we were leaving, I got more treats. It was a good day. Mummy was feeling better, and everyone fed me.
Mummy says that we are all set for the hike. She was worried that I wouldn’t have been able go. But once Dr. Hotham gave the OK, the plans were still on. I still don’t know what this hike is going to be about, but if Mummy is there and she has my carrots, I think it will be all right!
Today, Tomorrow & Yesterday
Hi everyone! Saint here. Did you know that that the holidays are here? I just love this time of year. Everyone is always so nice and thoughtful. Mummy buys presents for her family and for me and she always brings in food to her students. I don’t eat any of that of course, but it sure does smell yummy.
This year, Mummy and I are going to go visit my Aunt Sha and spend some time with her over the holiday. It will be nice to go see her again. Mummy also has some important errands to run. She says we have to go get her chair fitted for a special device so she can lock it in to drive with. Her old chair had this, but her brand-new one didn’t come with one, so we are going to fix it. And we will be going to see her doctor at Massachusetts General Hospital. We see him a couple of times a year. He is always really nice to Mummy, so I like him a lot.
Wow, can you believe everything that we have done this year? Mummy and I have been really busy. We have made a lot of trips to new places and have met so many nice people. If you are one of them, Mummy says, “Hi!”

Mummy’s students have been extra busy too. They have been writing and making phone calls to people and helping to plan for our big hike. Mummy sure has some great students. They are like our family and we love and appreciate every single one of them. Without their help, we might not have been able to have gotten so much accomplished.
Over the holiday break though, all of the students–and Mummy and I too–will be away from school and taking some time to relax and rest up from the busy semester. I think I will take a break from blogging too. I want to spend some extra time on Mummy’s lap. She’s the very best snuggler ever!
I hope that while we are away you take the time to spend with your loved ones. Family is important and the holidays are a special time of year. May you all be blessed with good fortune and love.
Don’t worry though. After the first of the year, I’ll be back and in full production. Mummy says that 2017 is going to be momentous. I think that means really big. I know it is going to be really busy too. We have a LOT to do. Our hike will only be three months away and it will be here before we know it.
I hope you come back and join us to see where our adventure takes us. Until then, we wish you happiness, peace and love.
From Mummy’s and my house and heart to yours, Happy Holidays!
Until next year…. Take care & Be well.
Love, Saint