Celebrating My Friends

Hello everyone! Saint here. I hope you’re all doing well, and if you’re in school, I hope your finals went well! I don’t really know what they are, but Mummy has a bunch of friends over during finals week and they talk about the semester and how it went. I like having all these visits with my friends. We get to hang out and have a bunch of parties in class. It’s really fun! After the spring semester, my friends in Mummy class who have been here for a really long time have a Graduation Ceremony. That’s really fun to go to, because I go with Mummy and dress up in my outfit that Mummy calls a cap and gown. I get to dress up like my friends who are at this ceremony and show them that I am proud of them. I get to see all my friends get these papers that means that they have done a good job.
We get to take pictures with everyone after the ceremony. Mummy is always a little sad about this, because some of my friends who go to this ceremony never come back. Mummy says this is because they are going onto something better. Sometimes they do come back and it’s really great to see them again and see how they are doing! I’m always sad to lose my friends, but knowing that they are going onto something better makes me happy for them. That’s it for now. Hope you are all doing well!

Taking Miracle to Percy’s

Hi everyone, Saint here! Today I wanted to tell you all a funny story of something that happened to Mummy and me a few months ago. It all started when Mummy noticed that Miracle (Mummy’s van) was making a funny, squeaking kind of noise. We took Miracle to Percy’s Auto so that they could look at her and tell us what was wrong.
We sat in the waiting room for a while until a man came into the room to tell Mummy that nothing was wrong with Miracle. Mummy insisted that we could hear a noise coming from the vents that sounded like squeaking. So the man left the room again to look at the car more closely.
When he came back, he told Mummy some interesting news: Miracle had been infested with mice! He said it was the worst infestation he’d ever seen. When the mechanic climbed under Miracle and started to take her apart, he said he got covered in mouse droppings. I’m sure it wasn’t very funny to him, but it sure made me laugh.
Can I tell you guys a secret? I knew some mice had gotten into Miracle. I didn’t want to tell Mummy, because I like the mice: they’re my friends. I told them not to chew up any of the wires that keep Miracle running and they listened! The guys at Percy’s told Mummy she was lucky they didn’t chew the wires, but I know the truth.
There are a lot of mice around where Mummy and I live. The winters are pretty brutal and cold, so I let the mice hang out in the basement. Sometimes Mummy leaves the car door open in the garage so that it doesn’t get stuck from the ice. The mice walked right in and made some little nests. They didn’t chew wires, but they did manage to get to one of Mummy’s string bags, a pair of gloves and her sour hard candies. The mice are gone now and so are the droppings. Miracle doesn’t squeak anymore and all is well. What’s the funniest thing that’s happened to your car?

Greeting Accepted Students

Hi, guys! I recently went to Accepted Student Day at UMPI. It’s where people accepted to the school get to come and meet with professors, learn about campus and interact with clubs and students. Since Mummy goes to meet potential students, I get to go too. It was really fun this year, it was great last year too. Mummy, some of her students and I all went to greet new people interested in UMPI. It was really great meeting so many new people. They all seemed excited to meet me too. Mummy and her students explained to accepted students what we do in the PCJ program and in the U Times. It was nice hearing them explain all the great things we’re doing for the community and the experience mummy’s students have gained along the way.
Some parts were a little slow for my taste because I’m already an expert when it comes to what goes on in PCJ classes since I’m in them all. Since I already knew about things, there were some moments where I was able to catch a few quick naps, which was just what I needed between all the excitement. Everyone else stayed very busy though, moving around campus and interacting with one other. I can’t wait to see all the new students next semester. I sure will miss them until then though!

Toys for life!

Hi everyone! Saint here. I hope you are all doing well and having fun! I want to tell you guys about some of my favorite toys. Mummy keeps my toys in a big box for me, but my favorite toys Mummy leaves on my bed so I get them easier. I play with them after I go outside in the morning and also when we get home at night. In the morning when I come back inside and I do some stretching, then I retrieve my favorite toy. It’s a short tree with squirrels, but the squirrels make noises. Its lots of fun to flip my tree in the air. Sometimes, I find the things that makes the noises, and I take them out. I bring them to Mummy. Then Mummy does surgery on them so the squirrels make the noises again. I also have a birdhouse with little birds in it: it’s a lot like my tree. I play with that one upstairs. I also have a really big pillow upstairs that is shaped like me. When Mummy is working, I get to play with Lambie. Once I played with Lambie too hard and she lost an ear. When friends visit Mummy at work I get Lambie to show them.
When Mummy and I went hiking, I had some friends to play with. They liked to play fetch, which I don’t understand. They would go after the ball once their person threw it and kept getting it, no matter how many times it was thrown. I get stuff for Mummy all the time, but Mummy doesn’t throw stuff just for me to get it. I don’t get why they do that. Their people could have gotten the ball themselves: they didn’t need help.
Hope you all are doing well and don’t forget to play today.

Facebook Live

Hello, everyone! Saint here. Tuesday was a super exciting day for Mummy and me! After a full day of going with Mummy to classes and seeing all my friends, we had something else very exciting to do! Some of Mummy’s students came to Mummy’s office to see us and we did something called a Facebook Live Event. It was a lot of fun, except for the fact that Mummy put me in my booties and coat, but I didn’t mind too much. Mummy got me those booties a few years ago because the snow and salt hurts my paws. Mummy always looks out for me: she’s the best!
During the Facebook Live Event, Mummy and her students talked about BEYOND LIMITS and they asked a bunch of questions about me! Mummy kept on saying that the Live Event was about me, which was very exciting. That’s why she had me in my winter gear. One of Mummy’s students dressed in his winter gear too, so I didn’t feel too bad about having it on.
During the Live Event, I kept on running over to my bed because I was SO TIRED, but Mummy kept telling me no, and I’m glad she did. Even though it was a long day, I had tons of fun!!
I do need to get lots of rest though because Mummy and I are going on a big adventure next week. We’re driving to Kentucky and going on a hike! Make sure you stay tuned for that.
Have you guys ever done a Facebook Live Event? Do you have any Winter Gear? What do you Love about Winter? I love you all!

My Awesome Adventure to the Vet

Hi everybody! It’s me again: Saint. How are you all doing? Can you believe that it’s almost March? Some of the snow is already starting to melt and it’s still February. I don’t mind the warm weather, though. When it’s cold, sometimes Mummy makes me wear my little boots and they feel very strange on my paws.
Mummy and I just went to the veterinarian for a wellness checkup. I go to the vet a lot and I love going! Everybody is so friendly. This was just for a routine checkup. Everybody at the vet’s office was very nice and while I was waiting for my turn, I even made a new friend with a pug. The other dog was very excited to make friends with me, too.
The vet got me in for my checkup very quickly and they gave me a physical. First, they put me on the scale because I’m supposed to weigh between 57 and 59 pounds. The scale was right by the food, so I was more than happy to step on it. I weighed 57.7 pounds, which is the perfect weight I’m supposed to be. Mummy makes sure I eat and exercise well so that I stay within this weight range.
The nice man examined my legs, throat, eyes, ears and took a complete blood sample to make sure I was all healthy and I passed with flying colors. He even said that I was one of the most well-behaved dogs he’d ever met. I think this made Mummy happy, so I was happy as well. They also gave me vaccinations so that I don’t get sick and I can keep going on exciting adventures with Mummy. Last but not least, I even got my nails done.
The visit to the vet took about an hour. I got four treats throughout our visit for being a good girl! They were very delicious. It’s very important that you eat well and exercise right. Mummy and I look after each other to make sure we both stay healthy. What do you do to stay healthy?
I hope that you have a wonderful week. Spring is just around the corner and then there’ll be mud everywhere. But I’m pretty sure Mummy won’t let me play in it because I’ll get all dirty and messy.
Well, that was my and Mummy’s most recent adventure. I hope you have a great day and stay warm! Bye for now!

Never Skip Leg Day

Hello everyone! It’s Saint again. I hope that you have all had a wonderful week since the last time we talked. The weather is warming up, which means that Mummy and I will be able to play outside in no time! I love the snow, but it can be so cold sometimes.
Even though Mummy and I aren’t playing in the snow every day, she still makes sure I get the exercise I need. When you go on as many adventures as Mummy and I, you must be in peak doggy condition.
Exercise begins first thing in the morning for Mummy and me. Before we go to work, Mummy and I run on the treadmill. Mummy always sets the speed on my treadmill to 2.7 mph. This is the perfect speed for me because I can break a sweat without tripping over my paws. Mummy and I will do this for 30 minutes. Sometimes we go for longer, but 30 minutes is just enough for me to maintain a healthy puppy body.
I love the treadmill Mummy got for me. I even got to pick it out myself! A few years ago, Mummy and I went into Sears to get one. One of the employees looked really confused when Mummy asked where the treadmills were located. She looked even more confused when Mummy said that it was for me! I wonder why she was so surprised.
Since we exercise in the morning, I’m usually ready for a nap in the early afternoon. My favorite place to nap is under Mummy’s desk. If she has to teach, then her lap is the next best thing. Mummy says I snore in class. I never hear it, so I don’t know if I believe her.
That’s it for me today. I hope you all have a wonderful day.

New Orleans Journey

Hello everyone, it’s Saint. I hope you’re all doing great. I recently went to New Orleans with Mummy and had a great time. There’s always so much to see when we go somewhere new, but boy is it tiring! Our trip was very eventful and we got to travel with two of our friends, Leigh and Alana.
We also ran into P.J. along the way. He is a friend we don’t see very often. He was one of the people who helped Mummy climb Katahdin. He found us at the airport and said hello to me before he said hello to Mummy. That made me feel pretty special. It was a nice surprise to see our friend while waiting for the plane to Maine in Philadelphia. We had to stop there on the way back from New Orleans. Once we got on that plane, though, they made us get off again and said that they had to find a new one to take us home. I didn’t mind too much, though.
I don’t mind planes, either. I usually get my own seat. The hardest parts are when it’s leaving or coming toward the ground: that’s a little scary.
We had a lot of new experiences during our trip. Since Mummy needs an aisle chair to get on and off of the planes, strangers usually have to touch her a lot, which makes me nervous. The airport we left Bangor from, though, used a new thing called a Transfer Kit that was much more comfortable for Mummy. This meant I didn’t get as nervous, so it was good for both of us.
Whenever we fly something always happens to Mummy’s wheelchair. This time we landed in D.C on our way to New Orleans and they couldn’t get it to work at all! It was very stressful, but very nice people took care of us and tried to help. Eventually a man in a suit came and fixed everything right away. I’m very thankful for him because then Mummy and I could continue on our journey.
Something really weird happened in Philadelphia, too, while we were there. The floor filled up with water and everyone kept saying the airport was flooding from a sprinkler, even though the sun was out. I wasn’t scared, though, because Mummy wasn’t scared, which meant it was no big deal. Water doesn’t bother me anyway and a nice man in a yellow vest escorted us around while others waited. It was very nice of him.
Needless to say, we had a very interesting trip. Do you travel often? Have you ever had a weird trip to the airport or run into friends you didn’t expect to see? Life is full of fun adventures and surprises and I love telling you all about mine. Until next time, take care!


The first time I knew I was going to be a part of something important for BEYOND LIMITS was when my classmates and I were tasked with trying to get volunteers for the Appalachian Trail Adventure. That for me was when I realized that we were actually helping Dr. J with this goal she has, and that this was going to be bigger than just a class for us. It really became real to me at this point, knowing that I was helping get people involved. Even though many didn’t answer when we called them, we were still getting the word out, and that was the biggest success I think.

When I think about BEYOND LIMITS, I don’t just think about Dr. J and her disability, I think of any people who have ever felt like they can’t do something, whether it is because of a physical disability or not. BEYOND LIMITS is more than disability. We all have those days where we don’t feel like we can do something, and BEYOND LIMITS is there to show us that no matter what the circumstances, we can do whatever we put our minds to. It means to push beyond those limits that we put in our minds and overcome anything that may be in our way.

BEYOND LIMITS matters because we all have those times in our lives where we think that we can’t do something. We make ourselves think that it’s going to be too hard, so we don’t bother trying. BEYOND LIMITS teaches people that no matter what may be in our way, whether it is a disability or us just telling ourselves that we can’t, that we can do it. Can’t is just a word we use when we’re scared. BEYOND LIMITS shows us that it’s okay to be scared, but we need to try to overcome our worries and our doubts and do something that in the end will make a difference in whatever that may be.

For me, BEYOND LIMITS has shown that I can do whatever I put my mind to. I have been diagnosed when anxiety disorders since I was a sophomore in high school, and that has stopped me from doing a lot in my life. I tend to stay in the background. I tend to keep to myself. BEYOND LIMITS has shown me that we can do whatever we want: we just have to push ourselves, tell ourselves that we can do it. I have pushed beyond my limits throughout this whole project. When we had to make those calls I mentioned earlier, I hated the idea. With my anxiety, I have a hard time talking on the phone. The only person I feel comfortable talking on the phone with is my mom. Anyone else, I would rather have call me or use email and texts to get the message across. I spent hours just holding my phone, trying to get myself over the fear of talking on the phone to a complete stranger. In the end, I told myself that I can do it, and when I made myself do it, as hard as it was, I pushed through it, and was able to make those calls. BEYOND LIMITS has taught me that I can do it. That no matter what I feel is holding me back, I can push through it, because the worst thing that I could do is not try.

BEYOND LIMITS is something I will think about when I have those bad days. Even when I have graduated, I will always think back to BEYOND LIMITS and how I overcame some of my anxieties, and how BEYOND LIMITS taught me that when you put your mind to it and push through those cant’s floating around in your head, you actually can.

Dog Year

Hello everyone! How was your vacation? Your Christmas? Your New Year? A lot of gifts received, many family members around you, right? I had a wonderful holiday and festival with Mummy.
I would like to share the exciting news with you guys! My friend told me, this year is my turn, this is my year! Dog year! Pretty interesting, right?

China has a traditional Chinese 12-year animal zodiac: 鼠:Rat; 牛:Ox; 虎:Tiger; 兔:Hare; 龙:Dragon; 蛇:Snake; 马:Horse; 羊:Sheep; 猴:Monkey; 鸡:Cock; 狗:Dog; 猪:Boar.

Last year was a Cock year, so this year—2018–is a year of the Dog cycle. My cycle!

Do you know what dog year means? It means more good fortunes, more happiness, more good things will be around me. Saint wants to share all good fortunes with you, from me and my Mummy. Saint just wishes for you all, wherever you may be, or whatever you are doing now, or whatever you will be for the future, that my year will bring luckiness all around you. For the Dog year, we all will have more happiness. Love you all guys!