Make the Most Out of Now

Monica Hewitt

Life is unpredictable. We can’t control it, no matter how hard we try. No matter how much control we think we have, eventually things happen that we couldn’t have predicted or planned for. But that’s when our true characters are brought forth. How do we deal with these situations? Do we go beyond our limits to adjust and accept things as they come?

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The Jac-Pack

Katahdin Expedition

Hi everyone!  Saint here.  I’m super excited today!  Mummy says we are going to the park for a practice hike.  I love the park.  There is a lot of green grass and fresh air.  We don’t get to go very often, so this is extra special.  I can hardly wait!

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The Real Saint

Hello!  Saint, here.  It’s been a very busy week for Mummy and me.  We had to pack my food and Mummy’s clothes and get on a big airplane to fly to Albuquerque New Mexico.  I don’t really know where that is, but Mummy said it was a too far to drive from Maine, so we had to fly.

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