Our Personal Guided Tour of the Yukon Wildlife Preserve

Hello, Everyone.  Saint and Dusty here!  We want to tell you about the amazing time that we had when we went to Yukon Wildlife Preserve on July 31, 2022.  To be sure that we would get a tour on the wheelchair accessible bus, Mummy had to make our reservation ahead of time. She chose the last tour slot of the day.  We were to arrive in Whitehorse the night before and she thought that we might be pretty tired.  (She was right, too.)

So Sunday afternoon, we headed off for the Wildlife Preserve.  It’s about a half hour north of town.  We got there in plenty of time and wandered around a little.  We didn’t go very far because they were concerned that we might scare the animals. 

When it came time for the tour, we were only ones for that time slot.  So we got an incredibly personalized experience.  Mummy had corresponded and talked by phone with Rebecca, our driver, before.  We were not allowed off the bus and Mummy would not leave us.  But no worries: Rebecca got off many times and took lots of amazing photos for us. 

The Yukon Wildlife Preserve is a fantastic combination of environments: hills, wetlands, forest, plains.  There are many different types of animals, including mule deer, caribou, moose, mountain sheep, musk oxen, red foxes, Arctic foxes, lynx.  We’re including a photo of a lynx here.  Rebecca knew that he was there and by getting off the bus and knowing where to look, she was able to get some great photos.  You can see that he is really well camouflaged. 

Our tour lasted a couple of hours.  We were sorry to see it end. 

If you are planning a car trip in Canada and can include a trip to the Yukon, please be sure to go to the Yukon Wildlife Preserve.  It is a treasure and worth every effort to get there.  It’s open year round.  We’re pretty glad that we went in the summer when there is so much daylight.  In the winter, we would probably have to wear our coats and boots. 

Take care. Be well. 

Saint and Dusty

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