In this episode, we discuss removing “no” from your vocabulary. Both guests have inspiring stories about the work they’ve done to fight for social justice. Pam’s daughter Nicole can’t see, but Pam wasn’t going to let a disability stop Nicole from reading. And Dr. Lowman has a lifetime of battles living with a disability that have helped shape her into the teacher she is today. Both are full of stories and were kind enough to share them with us on If You Can, You Must’s second episode.
If You Can, You Must Podcast: Episode 3
In this episode of If You Can, You Must, we meet Kristin Hartness from Canines for Disabled Kids. CDK is an organization that pairs service dogs with children, and Kristin plays an enormous role with the organization. Additionally, she uses a service dog and advocates for other people with disabilities. Kristin’s expertise and stories are sure to provide listeners with a treat. Sit back and enjoy our conversation about all things service dog.
If You Can, You Must Podcast: Episode 4
The theme of this episode of If You Can, You Must is first impressions. We meet Tiffany Smith and Melanee Terry who are both classmates of the host and students of Dr. Lowman. Our conversations lead to sharing memories of our initial encounters with service dogs, and they extend to what we know now. I hope this episode entertains and teaches viewers through the perspectives of apprentices in the service dog industry.
Mummy Never Gets Turkey
My favorite holiday is almost here: Thanksgiving Day. I don’t concern myself with the
history of the day, but wow is the food good. I’m a big supporter of any holiday that encourages
snacks. When Mummy, Dusty and I were in the store the other day, I saw a whole bunch of
people with carts full of pies and turkeys. Those people’s dogs are so lucky. My mummy hasn’t
made turkey since I was little and Gramma was still with us. I couldn’t help but drool at the
thought of my very own turkey.

As much as I am excited about the food, I’m also kind of sad for Thanksgiving this year.
Usually, we go back to school after Thanksgiving and I get to tell all my friends about our holiday. But this year, I heard we don’t get to come back until next semester. I just know I’m going to miss my friends so much, especially the ones who are graduating. Dusty doesn’t know it yet, but having been in school for a long time now, I know how hard it is to say goodbye. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I’ve decided to think about what I’m thankful for. I think I’ve
got it narrowed down to a pretty good list, too. First, I’m very grateful for carrots. They are my
favorite treat, and I’ll do just about anything to get one. Next, I’m super thankful that Mummy
didn’t get another service dog this year. It was bad enough last year when we brought Dusty
home. Now I’ve got to share all of my stuff with her, and she doesn’t let me have any privacy.
She better not expect to get any of my Thanksgiving snacks. I mean, I do love her–she’s my
little sister after all. But boy, sometimes she can really tire me out.
The last thing I am thankful for is my family. I don’t know where I would be without
Mummy, and together we have done so many amazing things. I get to come to school every day and see my kids, and nobody minds my snoring, either. I think I’ve got a pretty good life. So for
the most part, you won’t hear any complaints out of this old service dog this Thanksgiving.
Goodbye for Now, Friends
Hi friends: Dusty here. Saint and I have had a great semester so far. We have loved seeing all
our friends. When everyone came back to UMPI this fall, Saint and I were over the moon.
Mummy had some worries that we might not have a semester together because of this COVID-
19 stuff. But Saint and I knew our friends would find their way back here.

Quarantine this summer was weird for us service dogs. We’re used to the hustle and bustle of
Mummy’s everyday life. It was nice to be home, but also not the normal we are used to. When
we heard that our friends would for sure be coming back for classes in the fall, we were so excited. I suppose we just didn’t realize how fast Thanksgiving would be here.
Mummy says that our friends won’t be back until the spring. Saint keeps telling me it’ll be OK, but I’m sad. I’ve had fun guessing who’s who behind the masks, which made me nervous at first. I miss not seeing my friends smile when they laugh. I’m going to miss their being here even more, though.
Saint told me that we’ll still be able to see all our friends over Zoom. I remember sitting in on
Mummy’s Zoom classes at the start of quarantine. It’s weird because we can hear all our friends,
but we can’t smell them. I suppose though that Saint is right, it will be OK.
We look forward to spring semester together and seeing everyone again. Until then, we hope
that you remember to keep washing your hands and practice social distancing. If you feel sick,
stay home. We’re going to get through these extraordinary times together.
Might Be a Pinch in the Day, But Dr. Hotham’s Treats Are Worth It!
It was a usual morning for me. Mummy got up early, and I, Saint her service dog, helped her
get ready for the day. I got her clothes on for her, walked on the treadmill and we both had
breakfast. Then, we got into Miracle and I hopped onto my seat and was ready to go to work
with Mummy for the day. “Saint, ready to go to the vet?” she asked me. Oh right! I forgot: that
day I got to go to Dr. Hotham’s!

I am not like most dogs. I’m not scared of the vet. Actually, I enjoy Dr. Hotham. I sighed
and decided to take a nap on the way to the vet. Once we arrived, Mummy called them to let
them know we were there. You see, with COVID 19, Mummy can’t go in with me to the vet. So
she has to let them know so that they can come get me. A vet tech soon came out and walked me
in to see Dr. Hotham.
“Well hi there, Saint!” Dr. Hotham said as he came into the exam room. I walked over to him, wagging my tail the whole way. He gave me plenty of pets and some scratches behind the ears before starting the exam. He checked me all over and said I was in very good health. He called Mummy to let her know I needed a rabies shot and she told him to give it to me. So, one
small pinch later—and some delicious treats–I was brought back out to Mummy and I happily
greeted her. Then, once we paid for the visit, off we went to school.
On the Road Again With Miracle 2.0
Hello Everyone. Saint and Dusty here! 2020 has been a year of changes and adaptations for our family. We knew something was wrong when our time was cut short with students in March. It has been a strange year, but something good came out of it this summer when we got Miracle 2.0. After years with Miracle 1, Mummy made the decision to upgrade the van. We welcomed Miracle 2.0 to the family during this summer and we couldn’t be happier.

Miracle 2.0 is a Chrysler Pacifica, with new and improved features. Saying goodbye to Miracle 1 was not easy, since we had been on so many trips with her. We had put thousands of miles on Miracle 1 over the years, with trips to the West Coast and Canada. Miracle 1 carried us to many destinations over the years. These long road trips also brought along some van issues and tire problems. It was time for Miracle 1 to get some rest for all her hard work. A new van was brought into the picture and Miracle 2.0 was born.
Miracle 2.0 has a new sporty and elegant look, which will be perfect for our long trips. With a
well-functioning automatic ramp for Mummy and comfy seats for us, Miracle 2.0 is already
doing well. Miracle is bound to have some technical issues as the years go on, but new
adventures are not too far in the future. Although Miracle 1 was a special van, Miracle 2.0 plans
to make even more memories with us. These upcoming road trips might not be for a while, but
Miracle 2.0 is ready for it. With Mummy driving, us in the back and Miracle 2.0 in drive, the
world is an open road, and we can’t wait to see it.
Treat or Treat
Why do people say Trick or Treat? I think we should cut to the chase and ask for what we
really want: treats, treats and even more treats. To heck with the tricks, that’s puppy stuff for
Saint and me. We are certified service dogs, and we won’t be doing tricks for anybody. We
talked it over, and my sister and I are going to ask only for treats.

Hey everybody, Dusty here, and I’m so excited for Halloween this year! I know it must be
soon, because the leaves are crunchy on my paws. I can almost smell all the candy, and it’s
getting hard for me to wait! I haven’t quite decided on what I want to be, but even if I did, I
wouldn’t want to spoil the surprise before the Halloween party. Last year, my big sister Saint
and I were a huge hit. We dressed up as cats! It was hilarious! I mean, c’mon now, dogs as cats!
Does is get any crazier than that? It was a foolproof couples costume, and it’s going to be a hard
one to beat this year.
Last year was my first Halloween at UMPI, but lucky for me, Mummy teaches a lot of
classes, and I got to party with all of them. All of the kids wear masks, and not just the masks
they wear on other days. These masks have faces on them, and some of the faces are really
scary. I hope there aren’t any scary ones this year, because Saint and I are going to six different
Halloween parties in one day. Even better, some of the kids bring candy to the parties! When
Mummy isn’t looking, I’m going to grab their wrappers out of the garbage. Goodness I love
Best wishes,
Dusty Lowman
An Ode to Our Graduates, Our Friends.

Hi, friends! Saint here. We know it’s been a while. We’ve been doing well adjusting to our new normal with Mummy. Our summer felt longer than usual. We didn’t go out as much. But it
was nice spending all that time at home working. One thing that we really missed, though, was getting to see our friends wear their caps and gowns on stage.
Years ago, when I was a mere pup, a nice lady at UMPI made me my own cap and gown. She told me that I could only wear it on a special occasion once a year, and that she had a special one
she’d wear, too. Since then, I’ve attended eight graduations. This year was different, though, and I couldn’t help but feel sad.
Since all our friends left in March, Dusty and I had been feeling down. We missed seeing everyone come in and out of classes and we missed their smells even more. By the start of May, I had a feeling that our friends wouldn’t be coming back. But I had to remain hopeful for Dusty’s sake. I sort of hyped up graduation to her and told her all about the snazzy cap and gown that Mummy would surely be getting her, too. She had so many questions, such as, “Where’s everyone go after they graduate?” I had fun explaining that once they graduate, their Snowy Owl wings can take them anywhere their hearts desire.
As sad as we are that our many friends’ wings got to take them far away before we got the
chance to truly said good-bye, we couldn’t be prouder of them. We saw them work relentlessly
over their years at UMPI and we know their hard work is going to pay off.
It may be a little late, but here’s to our graduates. We miss you, but we’re so incredibly proud.
Exploring in Our Own Backyard!
Hi everyone, Dusty here! I hope you all are safe and well! There’s a lot of sad things happening in the world, which has caused Mummy’s classes to go online. So we can’t see her students anymore which is very sad for us, but it’s for the best. Some of you may know we had a trip to Washington, D.C,. planned with some of Mummy’s students. But that got cancelled, which was sad, but we still wanted to do something. So Mummy, Saint, me, and Mummy’s oldest students hopped in the van and went on an adventure!
We drove all the way up to Fort Kent! We stopped in a town called Van Buren and we saw a super big moose statue, but I got to play in some snow, which I love to do! When we got to Fort Kent, we went to this restaurant called the Swamp Buck, which was very nice. The staff and people there were so, so friendly! There was a man who asked Mummy lots of questions about us!
After that, we went to the beginning of Route 1, America’s first mile! That was very cool to see. Then we got back in the van and headed back to Presque Isle. I loved being in the van because I got to give lots of love and kisses to one of Mummy’s students! After getting back to PI, we grabbed something called a 360 camera and Mummy’s student took some pictures with it. Then we went to Gram Russo’s for dinner. It was a great day and a great farewell! Saint, Mummy and I hope to see you all soon! Love and kisses, Dusty.