Hello, Everyone.  Saint and Dusty here.  We know—it’s been way too long since we blogged with you.  Like you, for the last few years, we’ve just been trying to chug along through the pandemic. 

But things are looking up!  Spring is coming to Aroostook County.  The grass is getting green and it’s lovely to be able to go out and lie in the sun.  That makes us feel like puppies.

Recently, UMPI had its first onsite graduation in two years.  It was wonderful to celebrate the hard work and success of so many students.  It did make us a little sad that they are now leaving the nest.  But that’s the way it should be.

We’re also super excited that we will be leaving on a big adventure in July.  It’s going to be, as Dusty would say, AMAZING!  We promise to do our best to blog along the way.  So please follow along with us in this space.

Take care.  Be well.

Saint, Dusty, Mummy

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