Not Too Bad

To make really good videos for our YouTube channel, I got a baby DJI aerial aircraft.  I wanted to film the field test of some of the equipment developed for the Appalachian Trail Adventure.  I opened the box cheerfully—the new camera equipment finally came to my side. I wanted to realize maximum value by using it. I had seen a lot of videos and pictures by this camera before it truly appeared in front of me and I had a chance to use it, so I was very excited.

When I opened the box and wanted enjoy to using it, I suddenly found a bad thing–the battery cannot charge. OMG! That time was Thursday and I needed to use it on Sunday. I used different ways to solve the problem but still did not have a solution. Then I got an idea.  Dr. Wang, who is a professor in geology, environment, and GIS in the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Maine at Presque Isle, could help me to solve this problem. He has the same aerial equipment that I had bought. He needs to use aerial apparatus to explore terrain.

I called Professor Wang but got no answer. So I drove to Professor Wang’s house to ask for help. Even if it was not a very good way, I must do it. Fortunately, when I told Professor Wang my story, he promised to help me. Finally, I got two pieces of equipment with batteries. In other words, I can use the baby DJI aerial aircraft on Sunday.

I’m very happy that I could take very good video on Sunday. Although many things happened, the ending is not too bad.

When you meet some problems or difficulties, do not give up. Believe and you will find a method to solve it.

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