It was a usual morning for me. Mummy got up early, and I, Saint her service dog, helped her
get ready for the day. I got her clothes on for her, walked on the treadmill and we both had
breakfast. Then, we got into Miracle and I hopped onto my seat and was ready to go to work
with Mummy for the day. “Saint, ready to go to the vet?” she asked me. Oh right! I forgot: that
day I got to go to Dr. Hotham’s!

I am not like most dogs. I’m not scared of the vet. Actually, I enjoy Dr. Hotham. I sighed
and decided to take a nap on the way to the vet. Once we arrived, Mummy called them to let
them know we were there. You see, with COVID 19, Mummy can’t go in with me to the vet. So
she has to let them know so that they can come get me. A vet tech soon came out and walked me
in to see Dr. Hotham.
“Well hi there, Saint!” Dr. Hotham said as he came into the exam room. I walked over to him, wagging my tail the whole way. He gave me plenty of pets and some scratches behind the ears before starting the exam. He checked me all over and said I was in very good health. He called Mummy to let her know I needed a rabies shot and she told him to give it to me. So, one
small pinch later—and some delicious treats–I was brought back out to Mummy and I happily
greeted her. Then, once we paid for the visit, off we went to school.